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Sumati Gupta, PhD

Dr. Gupta is a licensed psychologist and professor at Barnard College, Columbia University. She specializes in the treatment of anxiety and eating/weight issues at Tribeca Psychology in NYC

Top Eating Disorders Treatment Information


Why are therapists neglecting to use treatments supported by research?

When seeking help for binge eating and bulimia, much like with other mental health issues, we assume that licensed professionals will provide treatment that’s based on the latest research. Yet, that’s often not the case. New research released online yesterday sought to explain why there is such a divide between scientific research and the practice of therapy in the field of eating disorders.

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Who is likely to do better or worse in eating disorder treatment?

While we have promising treatments available for binge eating and bulimia, not everyone responds to them. Some people respond quickly and are able to reduce their binge eating and purging within a couple months while others are in treatment much longer or instead drop out. Two new studies looked at women who were either in weekly outpatient therapy or in a hospital day program to see what factors predicted who responded quickly or who dropped out.

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How are people suffering from binge eating and bulimia perceived by the public?

With growing efforts to increase awareness of mental health issues, we hope that people have a more accurate understanding of eating and weight issues. What factors causes bulimia? To what degree are people with binge eating suffering from a mental illness? A new study asked adults how they perceived someone suffering from binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, obesity, or depression and compared their responses.

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Virtual reality to help treat eating disorders

Treatments for eating disorders are increasingly utilizing new technologies to go beyond traditional forms of therapy. Researchers have been incorporating virtual reality techniques to help adults with body image issues. A new study released online this month investigated how virtual reality can help patients long-term.

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Why your primary care doctor might miss your eating disorder

When struggling with eating and weight concerns, people often reach out to their primary care doctor for help fist. These doctors are a trusted source of guidance and are well trained in the prevention and consequences of obesity. Many people suffering from binge eating and bulimia, however, aren’t obese. A new study suggests that many doctors aren’t comfortable diagnosing eating disorders.


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Depression and anxiety persists among caregivers of people with eating disorders

Anyone who has cared for a loved one with an eating disorder is well aware of the stress and psychological toll involved. It’s no surprise that caregivers experience depression and anxiety at higher rates compared to the general population. A new study investigated several specific factors to pinpoint exactly which ones predict worsened depression and anxiety.

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The risk of suicide among people suffering from bulimia

Binge eating and purging can have an obvious impact on medical health. Problems can arise with the heart, teeth, digestive system, and kidneys leading to long-term medical issues and, in the worst cases, death. In the face of all these medical issues, the risk of death by suicide is often overlooked. A new study released online this week investigated the unique contribution of bulimia in suicide risk.

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Therapy for both OCD and eating disorders

For many with eating disorders, anxiety is a common emotional experience. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a specific form of anxiety that tends to occur along with eating disorders. A new study examines how one type of therapy can address symptoms of both OCD and eating disorders.

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Certain sugars may prevent your brain from feeling full

When binge eating, some people don't notice feelings of fullness or eat well beyond satiety. While there are many psychological factors that can explain this, a new study suggests that the interaction between certain food ingrediants and the brain may affect appetite control.

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Making strange mixtures of food when binge eating

Do you ever find yourself combining random foods together when binge eating? This phenomenon, called concocting, has been observed among people who are starving, but rarely investigated among people who binge eat. A new study released online yesterday found that concocting helped distinguish binge eating from general overeating.

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