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Sumati Gupta, PhD

Dr. Gupta is a licensed psychologist and professor at Barnard College, Columbia University. She specializes in the treatment of anxiety and eating/weight issues at Tribeca Psychology in NYC

Top Eating Disorders Treatment Information


Can group therapy help reduce binge eating years after therapy ends?

Many people have begun to seek out psychotherapy to help reduce their binge eating. While certain forms of therapy have been shown to help them lose weight and reduce binging, one of the biggest challenges they face is relapsing. Can the effects of thearpy help people reduce binge eating episodes and maintain weight loss years later? In a study released online last week, researchers investigated the long-term effects of group therapy for binge eating disorder.

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African-Americans vs Hispanics vs Caucasians: Racial comparisons in binge eating disorder

Do African-Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanics differ when it comes to binge eating? Do they engage in binge eating at similar rates and have similar attitudes towards eating and weight? Twenty prominent researchers from universities throughout the United States examined these questions in a new study released online.

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Is your eating disorder therapy based on the latest scientific evidence?

Beginning psychotherapy is a difficult and important step for many people suffering from bulimia and binge eating. It’s often assumed that therapists will use the best available techniques to treat eating disorder symptoms. However, a study released online this month shows this is not the case - many therapists fail to practice types of therapy that have been demonstrated, in numerous scientific studies, to help people with eating disorders

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A new classification for eating disorders in the DSM

Most people hear “eating disorders” and think of bulimia and anorexia. More recently, binge eating disorder has gained national attention as its own eating disorder. However, do people with symptoms of eating disorders really fit into these categories? Many of them do not – they end up shifting between different eating disorder diagnoses throughout their life or they are diagnosed as having an Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). Is there a better way to classify eating disorders?

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How your birthday may be related to bulimia and binging

Could the season in which you were born be related to your eating disorder? A study published this month suggests that bulimia and binge eating are correlated with a fall birthday.

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The connection between patient and therapist

How important is it to feel connected to your therapist? When the therapy follows a structured plan, does it affect the connection? A study published this month examined the strength of the connection that patients with eating disorders felt with their therapist, or the “therapeutic alliance.”  The study found a strong therapeutic alliance after a few sessions of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), which is a structured and goal-oriented treatment.

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